
Real Cost Report

Monthly Bid Publication

Consolidated, easy-to-read, residential development industry and cost trends from public bids in the Greater Houston Area.

Job Trends

Real Cost Analytics

On-site burning and off-site chip and haul disposal tracked on a per acre basis. 

Real Cost Analytics

Utilities tracked on a linear foot basis with paving reported per square yard.  

Real Cost Analytics

On-site and off-site dirt placement reported as well as total contract per cubic yard. 

Real Cost Analytics

Underground water, sewer, and drainage reported on a per acre and per lot basis.

Real Cost Analytics

Current price of concrete as well as paving costs on a per acre and per lot basis.

Real Cost Analytics

Compilation of hardscape, landscape, and amenity costs from all publicly bid jobs.

Real Cost Analytics

Component costs tracked on a per connection basis for new plants and expansions. 

Real Cost Analytics

Cost per connection reported for package plants, concrete plants, and expansions.

Real Cost Analytics

Costs are reported by location design criteria and the width of the wet well.

Location Trends

Real Cost Analytics

Full MSA Coverage

Development costs are tracked across all nine counties in the Greater Houston Area and compared to the MSA average. Upon request our data can even be broken down by city or ETJ.

Real Cost Report


Real Cost Analytics


Real Cost Analytics


Real Cost Analytics


Real Cost Analytics


Real Cost Analytics


Real Cost Analytics


Data Driven Success

Real Cost Analytics

Focused Analytics

Data that provides the industry information needed to ask the right questions and make the best decisions.

Real Cost Analytics